Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lagenda Puteri Sentubung Dan Puteri Sejinjang (Sarawak)


Lama udah kmek sik update blog kmek towk. Sik kmek ada masa hehehhe....

Apa2 pun... today mek mau crita psl lagenda yang sampai sekarang masih segar di ingatan seluruh rakyat Sarawak a.k.a kmpung halaman kmek d kuching hehehe....

Sapa yang pergi sana (Sarawak) mesti tau sal lagenda or myth ni... Puteri Sentubong dan Puteri Sejinjang....  mun ada yang sik tauk kmek tutuk palak ya kelak hehehe.... main jak....

memang banyak versi lagenda ni. ada versi mengatakan yang putri berdua ni anak kpd sultan brunie dan ada pula versi yang lainnya....

yang ni kmek dngar dri nenek n ibu mek yg mmg asalnya dri kuching dan ada kampung di pantai sejijak berdekatan dengan gunung sentubong itu sendiri..

.............Puteri Sentubong dan Sejinjang merupakan teman baik dan mereka ni berasal dari kayangan.. Santubong mempunyai kelebihan menenun songket yang tercantik di kayangan manakala Sejinjang ni pula kelebihan dia ni menumbuk padi yang paling lazat di kayangan... Puteri Santubong mempunyai seorang kekasih yang bernama Putera Serapi. Mereka sangat mencintai satu sama lain.. Didalam senyap Sejinjang mencemburui hubungan Sentubong dgn Putera Serapi.

Satu hari Sejinjang x dapat menahan cemburunya dan mula bergaduh dengan Sejinjang. Mereka membanding-banding kan diri mereka antara satu dengan yang lain. Sehingga ayahanda tuanku mereka merasa murka.  Ayahanda tuanku membuat keputusan menghukum mereka dengan menghantar mereka berdua ke bumi dan memberi syarat mereka perlu hidup seperti manusia biasa dan tidak boleh walau sekali mereka menjelma menjadi puteri sekiranya ingkar hukuman berat akan menanti.

Di bumi mereka dipelihara oleh satu pasangan suami isteri yang memang tidak mempunyai anak di dalam sebuah kampung  di sekitar kawasal pantai sejijak sekarang ni.... Walaupun mereka didalam hukuman mereka masih bergaduh sehingga bertahun-tahun lamanya,

dikayangan pula, setelah Putera Serapi mendengar khabar mengenai hukuman yang dikenakan oleh Ayahanda tunku kepada Putri Sentubong maka Putera Serapi pun ikut turun ke bumi untuk mencari Sentubong disana....

Setelah bertahun berlalu, kini kedua puteri bakal berkahwin dengan pilihan hati masing-masing. Majlis Perkahwinan mereka dibuat berasingan. Majlis pertama iyalah mejlis perkahwinan Santubong dengan tunangnya. Namun perkahwinan itu batal setelah mengetahui bahawa tunang Puteri Sejinjang merupakan Putera Serapi kekasih hatinya.......

Puteri Sejinjang pun marah dan tidak puas hati dengan tindakan Sentubong itu. Didalam hati yang penuh amarah, Sejinjang berubah dirinya kepada Puteri Sejinjang dengan pakaiannya yang berwarna merah... Tanpa berfikir panjang Puteri Sejinajng terus menyerang Puteri Sentubong dan Putera Serapi..

Demi menyelamatkan Putera Serapi dan penduduk kampung maka Sentubong pun bertukar kepada Puteri Sentubong dengan berpakaian kayangan yang berwarna putih.. Santubong pun membalas serangan Sejingang... Sejingang dengan bersenjatakan alu lesung memukul pipi Sentubong sehingga retak. Namun, Sentubong masih membalas serangan Sejinjang dengan menikam batang belida ( batang dari mesin penenun). Batang tersebut mengena tepat kekepala Sejinjang dan hasilnya kepalanya pecah dan bertabur di laut dan bertukar menjadi pulau-pulau seperti pulau kera dan pulau-pulau di sekitarnya.

Akhirnya, Ayahanda tunku turun menemui Sentubong dan membawanya bertemu dengan kedua orang tuanya dan Putera Serapi untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal. Ayahanda tunku kemudiannya membawa Sentubong ke dasar laut dan meluahkan rasa dukacintanya mengenai hal tersebut dan mengingati syarat yang diberi kepada mereka sebelum mereka dihantar kebumi. Oleh kerana mereka berdua telah melanggar syarat dengan bertukar menjadi puteri kayangan mereka terpaksa di hukum. Dengan rasa berat hati Ayahanda tunku menyumpah Puteri Sentubong kepada sebuah gunung(iyaitu gunung sentubong) dan badan Puteri Sejinjang menjadi bukit (iya itu bukit Sejinjang)


begitu lah kisah puteri Sentubong dan Puteri Sejinjang... Biarpun kisahnya x logik tapi kita boleh ambil moralnya kan... antaranya yalah.... jangan la kita mempunyai hasat dengki kepada orang lain kerna itu satu sifat yang x baik..... jangan la suka bergaduh sesama sendiri terutama sesama sahabat kerna itu akan menghancurkan persahabatan kita sendiri.... dan moral yang lain kmu cari la erk...

owh ya pernah tak kmu dengar lagu Puteri Sentubong san Puteri Sejinjang?  jom hayati liriknya

Putri Santubong Putri Sejinjang
Penjaga gunung Negeri Sarawak
Manis sik ada dapat dilawan
Anak dak dewa turun kayangan
Ooh.. Santubong Putri...
Bertenun kain siang.
Ooh.. Sajinjang Putri...
Menumbok padi malam...
Satu hari nya duak kelaie
Beranok-ranok sik renti-renti
Sorang madah dirik bagus agik
Sorang sik kalah walau sampei ke mati
Udah lejuk nya duak kelaie
Lalu betukuk nya duak puteri
Sejinjang mengayun aluk ke pipi
tebik Santubong sampei isok ari
Tapi Santubong membalas juak
Lalu ditikam batang belidak
Sampei tekenak Sejinjang kepalak
Hingga betabor jadi Pulo Kerak
Kesah Santubong kesah Sejinjang
Asal bekawan jadi musuhan
Kinek tok tinggal jadi kenangan
Pakei ingatan sepanjang zaman

Oleh krna line ni malam x berapa nak elok jadi kelak aja kmek sertakan gmbar n vedio tuk lagu towk....heeee...

Bila kmek fikir balit nak, lama udah kmek sekluarga sik balit kuching masok taun towk udah 8 taun. harap taun dpn kelak mun ada rezeki dpt la mek blit kampong kmek di sejijak dan pasir pandak heeee.... amin ya Allah

ok seblum kmek mengundur diri, pengajaran paling5 penting iyalah jangan la kita membangga diri kerana kita cantik,kerana kita pandai atau pun apa2 saja kelebihan yang kita ada.... bersederhanalah sbb dimata Allah s.w.t kita adalah sama..(peringatan untuk diri sendiri juga)

one last thing
One Malaysia ba....apa aq kesa yg penting aq bangga jadi anak malaysia,aku bangga jadi anak sarawak dan aq bangga jadi anak sabah heeeee.....

selamat malam, selamat tinggal jumpa lagi As Salam.....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sword Art Online (SAO)


Hey all.... i think that its so long that i haven't update my blog ....ehehhe.... Haven't got the spare time to make any entries not until now.... As for today.... i want to tell about the latest anime .... and i think everyone know about it...its Sword Art Online (SAO) ...... credit to wikipedia and realitylapse
Author: Reki Kawahara
Anime genre : action,drama,fantasy,romance,science fiction
Anime theme: fighting,mmorpg,sword play
Episode:25 episode
Song: Opening Theme:"crossing field" By LiSA
                                     #2: "INNOCENCE" by Eir Aoi

          Ending Theme: "Yume Sekai" (ユメセカイ; "Dream World") by Haruka Tomatsu
                              #1: "crossing field" By LiSA (eps 1,25)
                               #3: "Overfly" by Luna Haruna (eps 15-24)
           Insert song:   "Akahana no Tonakai" (赤鼻のトナカイ; "Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer") 


In the year 2022, the Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG), Sword Art Online (SAO), is released. With the Nerve Gear, a virtual reality helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds.
On November 6, 2022, all the players log in for the first time, and subsequently discover that they are unable to log out. They are then informed by Kayaba Akihiko, the creator of SAO, that if they wish to be free, they must reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if their avatars die in-game, their bodies will also die in the real world. The story follows Kirito, a skilled player who is determined to beat the game. As the game progresses for two years, Kirito eventually befriends a female player named Asuna with whom he ultimately falls in love. After the duo discover the identity of Kayaba's avatar in SAO, they confront and defeat him, freeing themselves and the other players from the game.
Upon returning to the real world, Kirito learns that Asuna and a small group of SAO players have still not awakened yet. Following a clue about Asuna's whereabouts in another VRMMORPG called Alfheim Online (ALO), Kirito also logs in there. Helped by his sister Suguha, he learns that the trapped players in ALO are part of a plan devised by Nobuyuki Sugō to perform illegal experiments on their minds to put them under his control, including Asuna, whom he intends to marry in the real world in order to take over her family's company. After Kirito stops Nobuyuki's plans, he finally reunites with Asuna in the real world.
(In anime version, the final episode endded until KIRITO finally beat Noboyuki Sogo in both Alfheim Online and the real world and bring back the SEED that he got from Kayaba. Asuna and other player  then wakes up from her comatose state. They then have small party with some of the SAO players. With the help of THE SEED they bring the AINCRAD form SAO into Alfheim Online so they can officially finish the stage.....)

(This is the continuous of the story in its Manga)
Soon after, Kirito plays another game called Gun Gale Online (GGO) to investigate the mysterious connection between it and deaths occurring in the real world. Assisted by a female player he meets in the game called Sinon, he identifies and exposes the culprits, who include some former members of a murderous guild he had previously encountered in SAO.
Kirito is later recruited to assist in the development of a state-of-the-art game, UnderWorld (UW), which has an interface that is far more realistic and complex than the previous games he had played. In UW, the flow of time proceeds thousands of times faster than in the real world. However, he ends up falling into a trap set by one of the murderers from GGO and wakes up inside the game, unable to log out, with his real self left in a comatose state. As he starts to question if he is the real Kirito or an artificial intelligence modeled after him, Asuna, Suguha and Sinon also log themselves into UW in an attempt to help him.

 Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto)
Kirito in SAO

Kirito in Alfheim Online
The protagonist of the series, Kirito is a "solo" player and has been branded a beater (beta tester and cheater) by the players in Sword Art Online. His game alias is created by taking the syllables of the first and last Kanji of his real last and first names respectively: (Kirigaya Kazuto). When it is announced that the players of Sword Art Online can no longer log-out, he is distraught like everyone else, but quickly overcomes the shock. He power levels to improve his odds of survival in the game, quickly emerging as a frontline clearer of floors known as the Black Swordsman (黒の剣士 Kuro no Kenshi?). In SAO, he is the sole possessor of a unique skill, «Dual Blades». During his time in SAO, he falls in love with a female player, Asuna, and even marries her in-game.
After the end of the Sword Art Online incident, 300 people have yet to wake up including Kirito's SAO wife Asuna. He is sent a picture from another VRMMORPG called Alfheim Online in which Asuna could be seen in a cage on the legendary World Tree, which no Alfheim player had ever reached directly, Kirito decides to take a copy of the game and rescue Asuna nonetheless. Shortly after joining Alfheim, he befriends another player called Leafa. Leafa helps Kirito grasp the game and offers to help him reach the world tree. After a long journey and many adventures, Kirito manages to reach the world tree and overcomes its obstacles to reach the top. He rescues Asuna and discovers that his companion Leafa was actually his cousin Suguha. As ALO and SAO share the same game engine among other features, a bug allows Kirito to retain most of the skills and money he obtained in SAO upon playing ALO with the same Nerve Gear, already beginning his journey with an advantage over other players, despite he ends up forced to discard all items as they were not recognized by the system except the one containing Yui, which reformats itself as a navigation pixie.
He is later asked to register in Gun Gale Online in order to investigate real life murders that are somehow linked with assassinations in-game. It is soon revealed that the murders are committed by ex-players from Sword Art Online, who were part of a player killing group known as Laughing Coffin. His actions result in the capture of two out of the three culprits. The last member escapes and is not heard of until the events of volume 9, and is responsible for an attempted murder of Kazuto.
In the Alicization Arc, he has been assisting in the development of the fourth generation full dive interface, Soul Translator, by testing its thought acceleration functions. However, he has no memory of what he has been doing as a result of his memories being suppressed, voluntarily, by the system. He is attacked and poisoned by Johnny Black (The third culprit who escapes) in the real world and wakes up in Underworld with no memory of the game or how he got there. He meets up with Eugeo and helps him out of some tough situations, during which he partially remembers his time with Eugeo and Alice during his "childhood" in Underworld. He then decides to aid Eugeo in finding Alice while he searches for a way out, back to reality.[1]
In the real world, he lives with his mother and younger cousin/sister in a family of three. He was adopted by Minetaka and Midori Kirigaya (Suguha's parents). His mother (who is actually Midori's sister) and father passed away after an accident when he was a year old. He finds out the truth at age ten.


Asuna ( Asuna Yūki) 
Voiced by: Haruka Tomatsu

Asuna is the main female protagonist of the series; her game alias is the same as her real world name. Asuna is a friend of Kirito and is a sub-leader of the Knights of the Blood Oath, a medium-sized guild acknowledged as the strongest guild in Aincrad. Being one of the few girls that play SAO and extremely attractive, she receives many invitations and proposals. Asuna is a strong-willed, accomplished player known in-game as the "Flash" (閃光 Senkō?) for her extraordinary sword skill.
Later, she falls in love with Kirito and they marry in-game. Towards the end of the SAO arc, she sacrifices herself to save Kirito from a killing blow by Heathcliff. However, her death was only in-game and she is shortly reunited with Kirito shortly after he dies defeating Heathcliff.

(Asuna in SAO)

 (Asuna in ALO)
Despite the completion of SAO, Asuna does not wake up and is instead imprisoned in another VRMMORPG called Alfheim Online. She is forced to play the role of Titania the Queen of Fairies, with Nobuyuki Sugō, the man responsible for imprisoning her, playing as Oberon the Fairy King. This was done so that Nobuyuki Sugō could marry Asuna in the real world, while she was unconscious, and thus take over RCT Progress Inc. She constantly tries to get out of the World Tree where she is imprisoned and escape going so far as to steal a GM card which she throws out of the window when she hears Yui's voice. Upon being freed she created two avatars for Alfleim, Asuna (being the healer of the team) and Erika (a battle type avatar) and went on living with Kirito.
In the real world, Asuna lives a very stressful life, and is constantly pressured to fulfill her parents' high expectations. Prior to the SAO incident, she led her life unquestioningly according to her parents' demands. However, after living in SAO and meeting Kirito, she gains perspective and looks back on her past with disgust. She eventually becomes Kirito's girlfriend, and dreams of marrying him and having a family with him in the real world when they saw a family at the park. [2]


Lyfa ( Suguha Kirigaya)
Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu

Kirito's younger cousin in the real world. Leafa is a diligent worker and has been practicing Kendo for 8 years. Kirito/Kazuto calls her "Sugu". After Kazuto gets trapped in Sword Art Online, she begins playing ALfheim Online in an attempt to understand him better. She develops feelings for Kazuto after she learns that he is not really her brother, but understands that his feelings for Asuna are too strong. 

Coincidentally, she meets Kazuto's avatar, Kirito, in ALfheim and aids him in his search for Asuna, unaware of Kirito's true identity. After understanding the depth of Kazuto's love for Asuna, she resolves to give up on him and instead becomes attached to Kirito in ALO, but later is heartbroken when she finds out that Kazuto and Kirito are one and the same. Nevertheless, she pulls herself together and aids Kirito in rescuing Asuna.


Voiced by: Kanae Itō

Initially a side story character in SAO, Yui later becomes an accompanying/support character in ALO. At first thought to be a lost child in SAO, she is actually an artificial intelligence program. Her full designation is «Mental Health - Counselling Program», MHCP version 1, codename, «Yui». She was designed to monitor the emotions of players and appear at their sides to hear and help them out. However, since the moment everyone was imprisoned in Sword Art Online, she was forbidden to come in contact with the players and complete her prime directive. Unable to do anything but suffer as she monitored the emotions of the trapped players, she came upon Kirito and Asuna whose emotions stood out as a beacon of joy and peace in a sea of fear and despair. She sought them out, appearing to them as an amnesia child whom they adopted. In the end she was nearly deleted by Cardinal, the management system of SAO. But Kirito saved her by converting and storing her data into his own Nerve Gear. 
Yui later shows up in ALO as a Private Navigation Pixie and helps Kirito along with Leafa to find Asuna. She refers to Kirito as "Papa" and Asuna as "Mama" and gets very annoyed if any girl other than Leafa or Asuna gets close to Kirito. Kirito uses his skills and resources in the real world to construct a device for Yui to view the real world even while she is in virtual reality and gives her the ability to communicate with them.


Sinon (Shino Asada)
Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro 
A female sniper whom Kirito first meets in Gun Gale Online. She has childhood trauma concerning guns and thus started playing Gun Gale Online in an attempt to overcome it. She is the owner of the rare gun "PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II". She originally considers Kirito an opponent, but later develops feelings for him. She later joins ALO on their recommendation as a Cait Sith archer, wielding a long bow. In Gun Gale Online she is known as 'Hecate', while in real life Asuna gives her the nickname 'Sinonon'.



Klein ( Ryōtarō Tsuboi)
Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata

A friendly player that meets Kirito at the start of the game, who quickly befriends and learns from Kirito. They go their separate ways shortly after when Kirito leaves for another town to power level, while Klein remains behind to help out his less experienced friends. Klein uses a katana to fight and later becomes a leader of his own guild. He regularly meets with Kirito and his friends and occasionally joins them in quests in ALO, especially after the release of the World Seed.[3]


Agil ( Andrew Gilbert Mills)
Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto
A bald axe wielder who owns a shop in SAO. Agil is 180 cm tall with a muscular build. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is kind-hearted and spent most of his earnings to help players in the middle floors. Kirito is a regular in his shop and they are friends. Agil runs a shop named «Dicey Cafe» in the real world, which was run by his wife during his two-year coma. The cafe later becomes Kazuto and company's meeting place in the real world.


Heathcliff ( Akihiko Kayaba)
Voiced by: Tōru Ōkawa (Heathcliff), Kōichi Yamadera (Kayaba)
Akihiko Kayaba is the Director and creator of the Nerve Gear and Sword Art Online, as well as the main antagonist of the Sword Art Online arc. He traps all the players within Sword Art Online by using the Nerve Gear to cease sending signals to the users' body. Any in-game death or attempt at removal of the Nerve Gear would result in the real life death of the user. Later, it is discovered that he has been masquerading as Heathcliff, the leader of the Knights of the Blood Oath.

 Although he has the admin powers to make his avatar immortal, he is shown to be a powerful player even without his in-game immortality due to his intimate understanding of the SAO game mechanics which he himself had designed. He is defeated by Kirito at the end of Volume 1 and, at the end of Volume 4, leaves behind a program that grants Kirito the World Seed. His death was his own doing since he had also rigged his own Nerve Gear device to fry his brain when he was defeated.[4]


Oberon the Fairy King (Nobuyuki Sugō)
Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu
Nobuyuki Sugō is the main antagonist of the Alfheim Online arc. He is the one responsible for keeping 300 Nerve Gear victims, including Asuna, prisoner even after SAO had ended. He did this by transferring them all into ALO for experiments on human subjugation via fulldive technology. He also attempts to take over RCT Progress Inc. by marrying Asuna while she is unconscious. He displays a perverse interest in consummating this marriage while Asuna is still comatose. In ALO, he takes on the identity of Oberon the 

Fairy King and makes Asuna his queen, Titania. When he and Kirito finally meet, he flaunts his GM status as well as the results of his research by causing Kirito immense amounts of pain after increasing Kirito's pain limit and impaling him. He is defeated when the "Ghost Program" of Akihiko Kayaba reminded Kirito how he was defeated by Kirito's determination, before aiding him in overcoming Noboyuki's GM status. All 300 victims are released from ALO, but Noboyuki makes another attempt to attack Kirito while he is making his way to Asuna in the real world. However, he is once again subdued by Kirito, who puts the unarmed combat skills he had learned in SAO to useful effect. Noboyuki is then arrested and charged for his crimes.

Other Picture:


Friday, October 5, 2012

Ao No Exorcist


On my last post about anime its about KUROSHITSUJI S1 right. As for today... i'm gladly like to share with all of you about AO NO EXORCIST. (all credit goes to Blue Exorcist Wiki and Google Image and also mini theater)

Blue Exorcist (青の祓魔師Ao no Ekusoshisuto/Futsumashi) is a manga written and illustrated by Kazue Kato. This anime was originali an illustrated manga and  was adapted to anime television series by A-1 Pictures during 2011. The genre of this anime and manga are Action, Demons, School, Shounen, Supernatural. this anime have some ovas and 25 episode

The world of Ao no Exorcist consists of two dimensions joined as one, like a mirror. The first is the world in which the humans live, Assiah . The other is the world of demons , Gehenna . Ordinarily, travel between the two, and indeed any kind of contact between the two, is impossible. However the demons can pass over into this world by possessing anything that exists within it. Satan is the god of demons, but there's one thing that he doesn't have and that's a container in the human world that is powerful enough to hold him! For that purpose, he created Okumura Rin, his son from a human woman, but will his son agree to his plans, or will he become something else...? After killing Rin's guardian Father Fujimoto in an attempt to bring Rin back to the Demon world, it led to Rin's journey of becoming an Exorcist in order to defeat Satan and also face the consequences of being the son of satan.  


Main: Okumura Rin (奥村 燐Okumura Rin)
voice: Nobuhiko Okamoto

The fifteen year-old protagonist of the story, Rin is the son of Satan born from a human woman and is the inheritor of Satan's powers. His powers were sealed at birth into the demon-slaying blade Kurikara, or Koumaken, by Mephisto Pheles, allowing him to live a normal human life for about 15 years. Rin became aware of his true identity after Kurikara could no longer seal the blue flames he inherited from Satan, setting a chain of events that led to the death of his guardian, Father and Exorcist Fujimoto Shiro, at the hands of Satan who attempted to drag Rin back to the demon realm. Exorcist Mephisto Pheles confronted Rin after Shiro's funeral with several exorcists, giving Rin the option to kill them all or die. Rin instead demanded to become an exorcist, an idea that amused Mephisto. Rin was then enrolled personally by Mephisto into the True Cross Academy Exorcist School, and since been pursuing his goal to become a Paladin and to defeat Satan. He is currently an Exwire and attempting to gain the title of Meister as a "Knight" (an exorcist who fights with a sword).
Rin can tap into the power he has inherited from Satan through the use of a demon-slaying katana, called Kurikara or Koumaken. The sheath acts as a portal to Gehenna (the demon world) which when drawn returns Rin to his demon form. While in his human form, Rin exhibits a number of physical traits that are signs of his demonic nature, such as sharper-looking teeth, slightly pointed ears, and a black, fur tufted tail (which he keeps hidden in his shirt). As a demon, Rin gains two blue flames that float above his head, long elf-like ears, and his eyes turn bright blue. In both forms Rin can control incredibly destructive bright blue flames, the trademark sign of anything related to Satan. However, when he draws Kurikara, the magnitude of the flames dramatically increases and often leads to Rin being "consumed" by his own flames and losing his mind. Rin also has a demon Familiar Cat Sith, Kuro, who was initially Father Fujimoto's.

Main:Okumura Yukio (奥村 雪男Okumura Yukio) 
voice:Jun Fukuyama 
Rin's younger twin brother. Though Satan's powers were expected to be split between them, due to the weakness of Yukio's body at birth, Yukio did not inherit any of Satan's powers. Yukio received a Mashou at birth from his brother, allowing him to become aware of demons since he can remember. Yukio secretly trained to become an Exorcist since age seven in order to protect Rin (through the help of Fujimoto ). While both Yukio and Rin are in their first year at True Cross Academy , Yukio is already an instructor at the Exorcist cram school who teaches Anti-Demon Pharmacology to Rin's class. It is often stated that Yukio is a genius, having already acquired the title "Meister" in both the Dragoon and Doctorclass, while ordinarily most people would aim for Meister in one class (both are still fully qualified exorcists). He is currently ranked as a Middle First Class exorcist. 


1.Suguro Ryuji (勝呂 竜士Suguro Ryuji) 
Voiced by: Kazuya Nakai
 Suguro Ryuji (nicknamed "Bon") is Rin's rival and the prodigy in the class. He was the child of the Cursed Temple which was destroyed by Satan 16 years ago. Bon takes everything seriously and is trying his hardest in order to become an Exorcist powerful enough so he could one day defeat Satan (a goal he claims Rin stole from him) and rebuild his Temple. Currently Bon is trying to acquire the title of Meister in both Aria (a person who recites holy texts to kill certain demons) and Dragoon (a person who fights with guns and other heavy artillery). He is currently an Exwire. 

2. Moriyama Shiemi (杜山 しえみMoriyama Shiemi) 
 Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa
Shiemi is Rin's class mate and friend. Before she met Rin, Shiemi tended her grandmother's garden while her mother ran an Exorcist only shop inside True Cross Academy . During her encounter with Rin and Yukio , they were able to discover that Shiemi was having her life force leached out by a Demon . After Yukio exorcised the demon, Shiemi finally decided to become an Exorcist and started to attend class. It was later revealed that Shiemi had talent in becoming a Tamer, as she was able to summon a Greenman Spirit during class. It is apparently a rare talent to possess amongst the Exorcists, where there are only a few who can control demons and fight.She is currently an Exwire. 

3.Kirigakure Shura (霧隠 シュラKirigakure Shura?)  
Voiced by: Rina Satou 
Kirigakure Shura is an Upper First Class Exorcist and Rin's mentor. She trained under the guidance of Fujimoto Shiro to obtain the title "Meister " in Knight and can draw a demon sword from a symbol above her chest when she states "Devour the Seven Princesses, slay the Serpent". Frequently chipper and obnoxious, Shura is carefree about her job, known for drinking and oversleeping. She appears to harbor a dark past, as she claimed Shiro "came and rescued" her. When she was introduced in the manga, she broke up the fight between Amaimon and an exhausted Rin. Out of a grudge against Shiro (who asked her to teach Rin how to use Koumaken) for "casting her aside" and orders to eliminate anything she discovered related to Satan , Shura intended to "clean up [her] Master's messes". However, Rin told her he would prove Shiro was right to let him live by becoming a paladin, leading her to spare him and become his mentor. Shura also knows Yukio and nicknamed him "scaredy cat four-eyes". 

1. Fujimoto Shirou (藤本 獅郎Fujimoto Shirou?) 
 Voiced by:Keiji Fujiwara  
Father Fujimoto was Rin and Yukio's guardian and was also considered to be one of the most powerful Exorcists in the world. He was thought to be the only man in the world that was able to sustain possession by Satan himself and thus Satan was constantly after his body. Fujimoto was able to fight off Satan's attempts at possessing his body through sheer willpower. However after receiving a mental shock from what Rin had said, Satan was finally able to take over his body and later killed him. Fujimoto had a familiar sith cat demon, which he called Kuro , that Rin has inherited. He was a confirmed Aria, Dragoon and Tamer and could possibly have been a Knight and a Doctor as two of those who have studied under him have become these. He was said to be the strongest exorcist on the planet and was the only one to gain the rank of Paladin, the highest rank of the exorcists.

2. Mephisto Pheles (メフィスト・フェレスMephisto Pheles?) 
Voiced by: Kamiya Hiroshi 

Pheles is the Chairman of True Cross Academy and also an Exorcist . After Fujimoto's death Pheles was ordered to kill Rin , however he accepted Rin's proposal in becoming an Exorcist and entered him into True Cross Academy. It has been heavily implied that he is the son of Satan along with his brother, the Earth King, Amaimon . He possesses the unique and peculiar ability of transforming into a small dog after counting down from three in German. How powerful he is has not been shown but he has mentioned that he is a honorary knight, the position two ranks below Paladin. He has been shown responsible for allowing several higher class demons onto campus.

3. Amaimon (アマイモンAmaimon?) 
Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara 

Also known as the "Earth King". Amaimon is supposedly the second son of Satan and another Demon Prince of Gehenna . Unlike his father and elder brother Mephisto , Amaimon had little interest in Rin after their first encounter. Fitting with his title, Amaimon has vast control over the land as he was able to start an earthquake while being pinned down by Rin. He has been shown to take odd interests in things as he wished to tour Japan upon arriving instead of seeing Rin.

Arthur Augusto Angel (アーサー・オーギュスト・エArthur Augusto Angel?) 
Voiced by: Ono Daisuke

The newly appointed Paladin. He was ordered by the Grigori to interrogate Mephisto and captured Rin as evidence. According to Shura, he's a saint on the outside and a devil inside. He uses the demon sword Caliburn. 

In this anime and manga there are many term that you should know and  take notice...

         Mashou (魔障Mashō?)
The Mashou is an ancient Buddhist term, literally meaning demonic hindrances. Any person desiring to become an Exorcist must go through a Mashou as a first step. Ordinarily, humans cannot see demons on a physical plane. However, once a person comes in contact with a demon (normally through physical contact), they have the ability to see demons for the rest of their life. A Mashou rite for an initiate Exorcist who had not experienced one previously is normally done under very controlled circumstances, so as to prevent anyone from being injured or harmed. In the English translation of the Manga, it is called 'Temptaint'.
       Meister (称号(マイスター)Maisutā?, "Title")
In order for an individual to become an exorcist, they must obtain the title of a 'meister ' (german word for 'master'). A meister is a general term for an exorcist's style of combat; an exorcist can acquire more than one. The fighting styles are classified into five categories:
 Knight (騎士(ナイト)Naito?): A meister specialized in close quarters combat, using a sword to fight. Meisters that have the title of 'knight' are shown to use demon blades as their weapons. 
Dragoon (竜騎士(ドラグーン)Doragūn?): Meisters that fight using ranged weapons, mainly guns.

Tamer (手騎士(テイマー)Teimā?): Exorcists who can summon and control demons to fight. These demons are called 'familiars'. In order to summon a familiar, a magic circle is needed; it can be drawn on the ground or on paper. The meister then draws their blood onto the magic circle and recites any words that come into mind. However, if the magic circle is erased or torn (on paper), it loses its effect and the familiar disappears. It has been noted that the talent to be a Tamer is rare, since sheer spiritual fortitude is needed to tame the demon; natural talent is also essential. However, if the Tamer lacks confidence, the familiar will attack the meister. Tamers can summon more than one familiar.

Aria (詠唱騎士(アリア)Aria?): Many demons have weak points known as "Fatal Verse", in which an exorcist recites a specific passage from holy scripts that causes their death. An Aria fights by finding a demon's "Fatal Verse" and recites holy texts, including the Bible and other sacred scriptures. Arias must have a talent for memorization; however, they are completely defenseless once they begin reciting the demon's "Fatal Verse", for the demon will attack the meister to stop the recital, thus an Aria usually never fights alone, leaving its protection to fellow exorcists.

Doctor (医工騎士(ドクター)Dokutā?): A meister who has the knowledge to heal wounds and injuries inflicted by demons.

in the world of exorcist there are ranks that the characters hold...

1. Page (祓魔師塾生(ペイジ)Peiji?)
  • Before becoming an exorcist, the individual begins as a 'Page', learning the arts of exorcism. Examples of what Pages study range from Demon and Grimoire studies to Demon Pharmacology, Holy Scripture recitations, magic circles and so on.
2. Exwire
  • The rank above a Page. To become an Esquire, a Page must pass the Esquire Authorization Exam. The Exam consists of the Pages secretly being put to the test of defeating a demon by working together; the Exam also tests which meister a Page categorizes in. Esquires usually do menial jobs like cleaning a demon's cage, and helping to collect samples, et cetera. Along with their new responsibilities they also continue to study Demonology.
3. Exorcist
  • Lower Second Class: The lowest title for full-fledged exorcists.
  • Lower First Class
  • Middle Second Class
  • Middle First Class
  • Upper Second Class
  • Upper First Class
  • Honorary Knight
  • Arc Knight
4. Paladin 
The highest title only awarded to the strongest of all exorcists. 

other pictures:


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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Masalah Gangguan Tidur (INSOMNIA)

TIDUR adalah anugerah tidak ternilai daripada tuhan yang mencipta siang dan malam. Ia dikawal semulajadi oleh bahagian otak dinamakan suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) melalui proses kitaran tidur-jaga (circadian rhythm).

Ia berfungsi menerusi rangsangan cahaya matahari yang masuk melalui anak mata. Kitaran ini menyebabkan kadar siap siaga mental kita berfungsi secara optimum sepanjang tempoh 24 jam.

Sekadar Hiasan
Kebiasaannya kita merasa begitu segar pada pukul 9 hingga 11 pagi dan 9 hingga 11 malam serta susah untuk tidur pada waktu tersebut.

Tetapi pada pukul 3 hingga 5 pagi dan 3 hingga 5 petang pula, kita dapati mata kita berasa amat mengantuk.
Inilah sebabnya kenapa kadar kemalangan berlaku lebih kerap pada waktu lewat malam dan awal pagi.
Individu yang mengalami gangguan tidur (insomnia) biasanya tidak boleh tidur dengan lena walaupun telah diberi waktu cukup .

Ada juga yang langsung tidak boleh tidur sehingga menyebabkan keletihan melampau, sakit kepala, perasaan mudah marah dan menjejaskan kemampuan kognitif untuk menjalankan tugas harian keesokan harinya. 

Gangguan tidur kerap berlaku dalam kalangan 30 hingga 50 peratus populasi manusia dengan sebab paling utama adalah stres.

Punca stres boleh disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor seperti bebanan kerja yang berat, putus cinta, masalah kewangan dan keluarga atau menghadapi peperiksaan.

Kerisauan berlebihan pula boleh menyebabkan individu tetap mengantuk walaupun tidur lena pada malam sebelumnya.

Gangguan tidur berlaku dalam tiga peringkat:
1. Masalah memulakan tidur
2. Masalah kerap kali terjaga pada waktu malam
3. Masalah waktu tidur terlalu pendek apabila mereka bangun terlalu awal daripada biasa dan tidak dapat menyambung tidur semula.

Masalah gangguan tidur disebabkan oleh stres akan hilang jika puncanya boleh diselesaikan.
Sekiranya stres tidak dapat ditangani dengan baik, ia akan menyebabkan kemurungan seperti gangguan peringkat ketiga.